“Carrot Applely”

My new man replacement (a.k.a. Juicer) has had the somewhat fantastic side effect of getting my children to eat more fruit and veg!

In. actual. shock.!

My 2 kiddies insisted on eating some raw carrot when they saw me chopping it up (result!) then my daughter helped me put the carrot and apple in the juicer and came up with the name “carrot applely”, refused to try drinking some but then ate some chopped apple, and my son then ate a whole apple!

Why didn’t I invest in a juicer sooner?! (Oh yes, <*insert derogatory comment about ex*>)


It made me giggle….

I know its a bit childish, but it made me giggle…

My matstone juicer turned up and the auger is somewhat, er, “phallic” shaped!

See what you think 😉 http://www.juiceproducer.com/spares-parts-c15/matstone-spares-c16/matstone-matstone-samson-auger-green-p26

So my juicer really is my man replacement at the moment! Haha.

It’s good to find things to laugh about 😀

Anyway, enough about w1llies…

Today is Father’s Day, so *happy father’s day* to all you daddy’s out there. I hope you are lucky enough to see either your own children today or in fact your own father.

As my children go off with their daddy for the day my dad is coming up to visit with my mum which will be a nice distraction. I love my dad. I’m a real daddy’s girl. Probably doesn’t help my expectations in my relationships! Although actually when you look at my past partner’s I would probably argue my expectations probably were not high enough! [Moi, bitter?!! ;-)]

I did feel rather lonely last night, not helped by the lack of decent TV listings (!), or my ex texting me trying to go round (err, hello the children?!!!!! YOUR children are in bed!

First of all I thought he had text me by mistake, although that would not surprise me either! But no, it was directed at me. I politely declined although it did make me quite cross at his attempt.

Drank 3/4 bottle of Rose, ate a whole big bag of Walkers Sensations (Chicken – yum!) and felt much better after a short time wallowing in self pity.

Anyway, my male “replacement” is calling me… Now to work out how I can disguise a green juice to make the kiddies drink it!!!

Three (or more) blind mice…

We have mice. At first I thought they would just go away if I made sure there was no signs of any crumbs etc… around, but the droppings behind the sofa and tumble dryer/fridge in kitchen have increased if anything, waaaa!

Today I am going to get some of the humane traps, although I will admit I am a little scared of coming down in the morning to find it has actually caught one! 😮

Stupid I know but another role my partner was better skilled at, although it pains me to admit it 😉

Mind you he was absolutely terrible at dealing with wasps or bees in the house and would scream like a girl. Haha.

I just googled how to “get rid of mice naturally” – check out number 5!! 

“USE DRIED SNAKE POO” wtf?!!! http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Mice-Naturally Probably my 2 worst things in the world… snakes AND poo!

And number 15 – get a barn owl!!!

Very useful…!

Think I will go with blocking gaps, airtight containers and humane traps and see what happens… you never know if I get really desperate then snake poo may have to be the way forward… ?!?!


Anything you can do…

… I can do, better?!

OK so maybe not better on this occasion but I did it! I used the lawnmower!

OK so the grass looks as though it has been attacked by a mad woman. Rather than nice straight lines, the lawn has got some rather odd crop circle effects where I turned the lawnmower around, but the grass is cut, yay!

Funny how doing something my partner would have done in the past makes you feel so empowered.

I even bought myself some garden gloves and did some weeding! Very pleased with myself 🙂

Now to decide whether I risk attempting to use the drill and hang my new mirror up…