Justice for Natalie

This morning I read about Natalie, a young lady whose life has been changed dramatically by simply going to one of the world’s luxury hotels to celebrate her engagement… This could happen to anyone…

Please help show your support to Natalie and her family and simply “Like” this page for Natalie on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/JusticeForNatalie/info, share with your followers on twitter #JusticeForNatalie, and if you have any advice to help this family get justice please do get in touch with them so that she may get the proper treatment and medical coverage she needs.


After going to the Emirates Palace Hotel to celebrate getting engaged, Natalie opened the door to the wardrobe in her hotel room to put shoes in the bottom and the audio visual panel that was at the top of it which was unsecured and broken, fell and struck her hard on the front of her head (temporal lobe) and knocked her unconscious. Natalie was found unconscious on the floor. The Hotel’s Duty Manager at the time took her to hospital in one of the Hotel’s chauffer driven cars. Since the accident Natalie now suffers with Post Traumatic Intractable Refractory Epilepsy and Traumatic Brain Injury. Her seizures caused her to drop suddenly to the floor unconscious and seize (tonic clonic). She has sustained many injuries and broken bones during some of these seizures. Natalie has been in three comas and on ventilators, had blood clots in her lung and leg, extreme blood toxicity, paralysis, temporary loss of sight, massive hair loss, severe debilitating headaches, temporary loss of speech, confusion, permanent memory loss, insomnia, constant infections due to suppressed immunity and over 20 stays in Intensive care. Natalie is up against a huge global corporation with the best lawyers in the region, whilst her and her family fight with virtually no support. However, the court process and the officials involved have been fair, professional and diligent throughout, including the medical experts and the judges, who only want a fair trial with the facts in place. Please, please like this page http://www.facebook.com/JusticeForNatalie and ask others to – we hope to use this to prove that, even though we are not a global entity with billions at our disposal, we still have support and deserve to get justice.

Friends are angels…

Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. 
— Anonymous



I am very lucky to have many angels in my life, some are going through their own battles and tough times but still are there for me, and giving me their amazing support. This post is a thank you to them and a hope that you all have angels in your life who you can call on in your hour of need.